Prayer and Intercession Partners

Back in the early 90’s, we learned a very important lesson in a village given over to witchcraft in Mexico. We conducted an evening meeting where 70 or so people committed their lives to Christ in one night.

What we did not realize at the time is that back at our home church, an intercessor won that battle before we even showed up. They prayed a demonic stronghold down, opening the door for preaching the Gospel in Power.

Through prayer, our crusades and outreaches simply have a supernatural dimension that comes no other way. Become a prayer partner with us today!

Financial Partners

This is an evangelistic and missions oriented outreach ministry that solely depends on its partners to conduct crusades and pastors’ conferences around the world. Your financial giving simply make it all possible.

You can become a monthly partner giving regularly, enabling us to set budgets based on what is pleaged.

Financial partners will be sent our training materials and new books as they are released. They are also given a year end financial statement, showing what come in and where it went. Many of our crusades and pastors’ conferences cost between 5 to 20 thousands dollars to conduct. Partners are needed!

Participation Partners

These are the people joining us do local and worldwide outreaches. Ambassadors for Christ invites people to join them in reaching out in evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. Come and get trained so you can join us in the most important job in the world – Winning lost souls!

Ministry statistic

Water Baptism
Bibles & Disciple Material
Pastors Conf Attendees

Enroll as a partner today!

Ambassadors for Christ

Save the Lost, Disciple the Saved, Empower the Committed!

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